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FTC Data Security Orders

Adapting to Enhanced Data Security Standards

In an environment where FTC Data Security Orders are becoming increasingly stringent, Prescient Security steps in to offer expert solutions. Our focus is on guiding your organization through the intricate requirements of these orders, specifically designed to safeguard consumer data and align with the latest regulatory mandates.


FTC Data Security Orders

Adapting to Enhanced Data Security Standards

In an environment where FTC Data Security Orders are becoming increasingly stringent, Prescient Security steps in to offer expert solutions. Our focus is on guiding your organization through the intricate requirements of these orders, specifically designed to safeguard consumer data and align with the latest regulatory mandates.

Addressing FTC Data Security Order Compliance

In response to the updated FTC Data Security Orders, Prescient Security offers crucial services to guide companies through the complex requirements and ensure robust data security practices are in place.


Understanding the Updated Orders

  • Specific Safeguards Implementation: Customized to address specific issues identified in complaints.

  • Enhanced Third-Party Assessor Accountability: Rigorous assessments with a focus on transparency and reliability.

  • Higher-Level Oversight and Reporting: Annual presentation of information security programs to the Board and certifications of compliance to the FTC.

Challenges and Solutions

Companies face several challenges in complying with these orders, including:

  • Implementation of Comprehensive Security Programs: Developing and maintaining a detailed security program that aligns with FTC requirements.

  • Annual Self-Assessments and Documentation: Regular assessments and thorough documentation of risks and safeguards.

  • Elevating Data Security to Executive Levels: For ongoing oversight and reporting at the C-suite and Board level.

Prescient Security addresses these challenges by:

  • Readiness Assessments: Assessing your current security posture and identifying areas for improvement to meet FTC standards.

  • Documentation and Reporting Support: Assisting in the creation of necessary documentation and facilitating executive-level reporting and compliance certification.

The Prescient Security Edge

Why Choose Prescient Security for FTC Data Security Order Compliance?

Our team conducts comprehensive risk assessments and implements specific safeguards tailored to your needs, directly addressing the explicit requirements of recent FTC orders. With our guidance, your organization will establish effective, phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication for personnel, a cornerstone of FTC expectations. We also focus on encrypting and authenticating your connections, following the zero-trust approach now emphasized by the FTC. What’s more, Prescient Security assists in developing and implementing a data minimization strategy for strict compliance with FTC mandates on data retention and protection.

The Prescient Security Edge

Why Choose Prescient Security for FTC Data Security Order Compliance?

Our team conducts comprehensive risk assessments and implements specific safeguards tailored to your needs, directly addressing the explicit requirements of recent FTC orders. With our guidance, your organization will establish effective, phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication for personnel, a cornerstone of FTC expectations. We also focus on encrypting and authenticating your connections, following the zero-trust approach now emphasized by the FTC. What’s more, Prescient Security assists in developing and implementing a data minimization strategy for strict compliance with FTC mandates on data retention and protection. 

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